The Basics of AR

Augmented Reality is a technology that provides the user with an extended version of the physical world, combining the surrounding real-world environment with various visual and audio elements. This is made possible through the use of the camera of a smartphone and tablet or spectacles such as Google Glass. The concept which lies in the core of Augmented Reality is bringing the virtual and real world together, taking the best out of both. It was this idea that inspired Ivan Sutherland to create the first head-mounted 3D display - the predecessor of the VR headset. This invention made him a pioneer in the fields of both Augmented and Virtual reality. The main difference between AR and VR is that while augmented reality overlays digital images and sound to the real world, virtual reality consists of an entirely computer-generated virtual world.

For the last 50 years, augmented reality has undergone significant changes and in present times, around 10% of the world population uses the technology in their daily lives. Some of the most common implementations are: drawing the offside line in a football match during a TV broadcast , an app showing possible ways to decorate your home, car and plane production or just face filters in the various social medias. The fact that 83% of the world population use smartphones and this number will continue to rise because smartphones will continue to become more and more accessible, suggests that the future awaits augmented reality and the technology will be used even more in our daily lives.


Our Mission

Our team believes that education, as the foundation of every developed society, needs digitalisation and modernisation in order to be presented in an interesting and engaging manner to the students. That’s why we created an application that uses augmented reality to improve students’ visual perception. To learn more, see the section ….

Pop!Ed and Javery Team