What is Pop!Ed?

  • Our software allows education to utilize the benefits of Augmented Reality by layering interactive 3D models, animations, and games on top of pre-existing student books.

  • At Pop!Ed we believe there are two types of Augmented Reality - one which would help students develop their interest through interactive content and AR which simply shows 3D models however is missing the in-depth component which makes our software unique.

  • Students from more recent generations usually tend to have shorter attention spans because of outside influences such as mobile games, apps like TikTok, and even television screens. With our technology we are able to retain the attention of younger auidences to textbooks through hands-on education. This can allow teachers to connect more to students which find classes unintersesting and repetatitve.

  • Instead of phones being an obstacle in learning enviorments, Pop!Ed can employ usually unaccsesable AR technology, allowing students to take apart and explore piece by piece what is presented to them by their teacher.
Explore our demos below to see how our app looks and feels like.

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See our work

The kidneys (Video coming soon) 🔎

Explore in depth how the kidneys work.

The heart (Video coming out soon)

Learn the way blood comes in and goes out the heart.

How to use Pop!Ed?

Click on a section to see how it looks in the app.

Interested in Pop!Ed? Join our waitlist. 📱

Register to our waitlist to get early access to our demo and explore what leARning at your fingertips is like. You will recieve an APK with the latest version of the app as well as instrcutions on how to install and use.

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