

Augmented Reality App for Your Textbooks

Augmented Reality App for Your Textbooks

Pop!Ed, our flagship product, is an augmented reality app that enhances the value of your textbooks by attaching various digital resources to the lessons. They include interactive 3D models, videos, animations, interactive tests, games, photos and additional text info, that complements every single element of the 3D model.

These resources can be chosen from our catalogue, developed on-demand by our team or publisher-owned. The app effectively builds a digital layer to the textbooks, boosting engagement and understanding, to retain the attention of the students.

We provide a customized white-label service and every aspect such as the name, colors, logo and other related elements of the app, is tailored so that they correspond with the corporate identity of your publishing house and enhance the symbiosis with your textbooks. 

Smart Boards and Web Integration

Smart Boards and Web Integration

We have created a web-based solution for smart boards that allows teachers to present interactive 3D models while teaching the lesson. In addition, we offer web integration of the 3D models into existing web learning platforms that the publishing house already employs, so that the 3D experience is available in every learning environment.

VR/XR Experiences

VR/XR Experiences

Our team develops and integrates fully immersive VR and XR educational experiences. Our educational content is suitable both for teaching lessons with VR and XR and conducting exercises and experiments. If you are an educational institution that already has XR or VR headsets or is planning to acquire them for your regular classes or stem classrooms, book a free consultation with us to discuss the relevant immersive content that can supplement them.